Almost every Unix or Linux system includes the SSH command. This command is used to start the SSH client program on your own machine, which creates a secure connection to the SSH server on a remote machine, such as the server hosting your website. The SSH command can be used to create a secure connection to a remote machine, transfer files between the two machines, and to execute commands on the remote machine.
The simplest form of the command is to specify only the username and hostname of the machine and looks like:
ssh user@hostname
The above command would attempt to connect to the machine with a hostname of “hostname” with the user “user” specified. If the user has a required password, the command-line will prompt for it.
If it’s your first time connecting to the machine, you will be asked to add the machine to your list of known hosts. Simply type yes to move forward.
Once the connection is made, you’ll then be greeted by the server welcome message and can begin inputting commands, etc.
localuser@localmachine:~$ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host 'ssh.hostname (IP_REDACTED)' can't be established.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'ssh.hostname' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
Welcome to
Any malicious and/or unauthorized activity is strictly forbidden.
All activity may be logged by [HOSTING_COMANY_REDACTED].
Last login: Sat Apr 4 05:58:26 2020 from IP_REDACTED